Friday, May 18, 2007


I've applied for and received a 3-year ph.d. at the Center for Genomic Research in the Systems biology group under Luis Serrano. And now, I am actually getting used to the idea.

I believe that I have a place to stay (for the first couple of months), and I've pretty much settled on which day to leave. So May 28 is my last day in Denmark (except for visits), for quite a while.

I hope to blog more from Barcelona - instead of sending mails.


Anonymous said...

!!?! wow, that sounds very sweet Anders - and quite a surprise I might add, heh. I know I'm on the other side of the world, so rumors are far away, but this is big! Hope you have a great time in Barcelona. I might drop by, hehe. Is line joining you?

Anonymous said...

Ups... Lise, not Line (sorry :/)

peterwatts said...

Hope the pHD is going well, here is a Map of Barcelona linked to loads of 360 panoramas taken around the city. Have you made it up the Temple de la Sagrada Familia yet?